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Mae Haad Beach

Mae Haad Beach: Snorkeling paradise in Koh Phangan.

Review and Tips about Mae Haad Beach

Mae Haad Beach, situated on the idyllic coast of Koh Phangan, is a captivating destination known for its pristine beauty and vibrant underwater world. This tranquil beach is a haven for snorkeling enthusiasts and nature lovers, offering clear waters and a rich marine tapestry that promises an unforgettable underwater adventure.

The Beach Experience

Upon arriving at Mae Haad Beach, visitors are greeted with a picturesque scene of white sandy shores fringed by lush greenery, leading into the crystal-clear waters of the Gulf of Thailand. The beach is relatively quiet and offers a peaceful ambiance, making it an ideal spot for those seeking a serene escape.

Snorkeling and Marine Life

Mae Haad Beach is particularly celebrated for its excellent snorkeling conditions. The beach is connected to Koh Ma, a small island just off the coast, by a sandbar that can be walked across during low tide. This area is home to a vibrant coral reef ecosystem, teeming with colorful fish and marine life. Snorkelers can explore the kaleidoscope of corals, anemones, and the myriad of fish species that inhabit these waters.

Dining and Amenities

Nearby, visitors will find a selection of restaurants and cafes offering delicious Thai cuisine and fresh seafood, along with international options. There are also several resorts and bungalows along the beach, catering to a range of budgets and preferences. Basic amenities such as sun loungers and parasols are available for rent, ensuring a comfortable day at the beach.

Tips for Visitors

  • Best Time for Snorkeling: The best time to go snorkeling is during the morning hours when the water is the clearest and the marine life is most active.

  • Sun Protection: The tropical sun can be intense, so be sure to apply waterproof sunscreen, wear a hat, and protect your eyes with sunglasses.

  • Environmental Awareness: When snorkeling, it's important to respect the marine environment. Avoid touching or stepping on the corals to prevent damage to the delicate reef ecosystem.

  • Safety First: Always snorkel with a buddy, and if you're not a strong swimmer, consider using a life jacket for added safety.


Mae Haad Beach offers a unique blend of natural beauty, tranquility, and vibrant underwater exploration opportunities. Whether you're snorkeling among the colorful reefs, relaxing on the soft white sands, or enjoying the local cuisine, Mae Haad Beach is a must-visit destination on Koh Phangan that provides an intimate connection with nature's underwater marvels and the serene beauty of Thailand's coastal paradise.


Jonathan Davis

Especially for Thai.Tips

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